Monday, December 24, 2012

                                                          Silver Bells at Our House

Christmas Lights

Last night, Elaine and I decided to take a trip around town and look at all the Christmas lights. Heading down Palestine, we passed Mary Lou Lott’s old house and the new people had put up some lights.Thank goodness they no longer have a screen door, because it banged in the wind for about six months. Across the street from the Baptist church, there were blue lights strung, and the lady who owns the Blue Victorian house had some nice decorations as well. Her house always looks good. We headed down to Gillespie Circle and the Browns had quite a spectacle at their house – front and back.  I especially liked the rope lights that were spread out on the ground, with the gift boxes. On Norwood Circle, Mr. Motorcycle had some tasteful decorations, but the most spectacular of all was the house where some vandals had broken into and did quite a bit of damage, earlier this year.  That family made an amazing comeback and the lights were just wonderful. Good for them! 

We then headed down Main Street, and my three favorite houses past the Episcopal  church were decorated quite well.  Turning down Dupree, we admired the white lights on the Dupree-Ratliff house. There were lighted deer in the side yard and that was a nice touch. A block further, and there was a house that had so many lights on it, it was incredible. We turned the car around and cruised by it again, more slowly, totally delighted.

Then Elaine wanted to see the lights on her house, so we came up Dry Grove Road past the cemetery.  I made some comment about maybe the graveyard would have some decorations as a joke, but as we drove by, lo and behold, there were lighted Christmas trees on some of the graves!  Yikes!  But how touching that some people went to all that trouble.

The most disturbing Christmas display, however, was on Main Street across from the college. Some thrifty lady decided to take the pumpkins from Halloween, paint them white, and stick carrot noses on them.  I suppose they’re supposed to be snowman heads, but it makes you wonder what happened to their bodies.  Each time I drive by, I wonder why the pumpkins haven’t rotted.  I’m tellin’ ya Martha, it just ain’t right.

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