Thursday, December 20, 2012


It’s always nice to receive a classic Pointsettia for Christmas, and every year, without fail, someone gives me one. Sometimes, more than one. Since I tend to nurture house plants, I tend to it faithfully, to make sure it flourishes. As the months go by, however, it’s suddenly July, and I still have the plant.  Christmas is long over, and the air conditioner is blasting against the heat.  By this time, a few of the leaves have dried up, but not enough to heartlessly toss it away in the trash. So I continue to keep the damn thing, and every day, as I pass it by, I am aware that it is slowly dying. That makes me feel guilty. And near about October, I finally find the fortitude to carry out the dastardly deed and discard it. But first, of course, I apologize to it and thank it for its service, even though there are still a few red leaves left and I really shouldn’t throw it out. Then before you know it, it’s Christmas time again, and the Pointsettia from Christmas past is back to haunt me!  

So please, please, if you give me a Pointsettia this year, you must promise to take custody again, just as soon as the holiday season is over.  Stop this endless cycle of guilt! 

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