Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dog Necklace

Since I’ve spent a lot of time at the dentist office lately, I’ve tried to make it a more positive experience by bringing along small art pieces to show each time I go. My dentist and I have become friends because I have given him so much money that he feels obligated to like me. I seldom go to the doctor, but my teeth are a different story. The rest of my immediate family have happy, normal teeth. Mine fall out at an alarming rate. If it weren’t for crowns and veneers, I’d be like an old Eskimo woman whose teeth have worn out and the family eventually leaves her out in the snow.

Anyway, after looking at my artwork, my dentist commissioned me to do a design with teeth. Try as I might, I still don’t have enough human teeth to make a piece (at some point, I will). So I turned my attention to the dog teeth I collected a couple of years ago. A Golden Retriever died some blocks away, and after the vultures did their job, there were only teeth and bones left. The sun bleached and cleaned both, and I was able to easily pick them up in spite of my walking partner who said she couldn’t believe I would do such a thing! I then went on the Internet to see what other people had done with teeth. Not much. At least, not in the way I have used them. It’s an open opportunity for me to explore further. Hope my dentist likes the design.

The above piece is "outside the box", and sits on top of the glass.  

1 comment:

  1. Ruth,
    I love my piece of original artwork. I consider it an investment, there is no telling what it may be worth someday. Keep up the good work.

