Tuesday, January 26, 2016

                                                    Another Small Death in the Family

As I sit and write this, there is a small green parakeet named DoWe DontWe who is dying. I’ve had her for many years. In fact, she was hatched in my house in California and survived the drive from there to Mississippi. She looks just like her father. From the time she emerged from the nest, she has hated me, no matter hard I have tried all these years, she still hates me. Now female parakeets are known for being mean, but this one takes the cake. At this point, she is on the bottom of the cage, all puffed up. I would like to hold her and comfort her while she dies, but she will have none of that. I can only watch and wait – keep a vigil. I’m sure she will die some time tonight. So all I can whisper to her is: Heron, fly you home.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your bird. I have concluded that the only reason I HAVE cats is that they will break my heart. Our life spans are several times longer than even the most robust of our companion animals. So sorry, Ruth.
