Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Nutraderm Therapeutic Lotion, Original Formula

I have used the above lotion for almost forty years. Over that period of time, it has always been available at any large drug store. It used to cost about $8.00. Over the years, the price has gone up some, but I never paid over $15.00 for it. When I moved from California to Mississippi, I had to rely on the Internet for my supply. Now that my birthday is approaching, when asked what I would like, I said Nutraderm. The next thing I knew, I got a call late at night from a friend who said he’d like to buy it for me, but he wasn’t going to pay $100.00 for it. I was aghast. So this morning, I looked up Nutraderm on Amazon, and sure enough, there is was. $100.00. I am guessing that the company either went out of business, or stopped making the product. What amazes me even more, is you can buy it new or used. Now why would anyone buy a half-used container of moisturizer? The thought makes me gak. This is a fine example of why change isn’t always for the better. Tarnation! Now I'll have to go find another lotion. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know anything but:

    Also...there are a buncha products of comparable composition (ingredients) being marketed for lots less than $100.
