Thursday, December 1, 2016

Squirrels in the Attic 

I live in a house that was built in 1890. It is made of Heart Pine, a wood that no longer exists. Ever since I moved into the house, there has always been a contest over who owns the attic. The squirrels or us. I have spent many a night and morning in bed, listening to them roll pecans and acorns across the attic floor. It’s the chewing I hate the most though. Sometimes they sound like they’re going to come through the ceiling, into the house. Bill bought a squirrel chaser that give off an unpleasant frequency that was supposed to work. It doesn’t.

There are basically two squirrel entrances to the attic. One is in front of the house and one in the back. I am most grateful to the nasty and angry red wasps who moved into the front hole. Score 1 for the humans.

A few weeks ago, when the squirrels were chewing on the ceiling of the kitchen, I had a thick wire mesh nailed over the back hole. It took the squirrels exactly one day to chew through it. Score 1 for the them. On Tuesday, a big piece of oak was my next try. So far, the attic is silent. But I am not under the illusion that this will work permanently. It at least slows them down. Now it has become who can last the longest. I am in for the long term. Since the average squirrel lives about a year (females live a little longer), perhaps the next generation won’t look upon my house as a home and chewing post. My biggest fear is that they will chew through wires in the attic and set the house on fire. So now it’s score 2 for the humans. I am waiting for their response. Bring it on. I’ll beat my chest!